Beyond friendship, will you be my bridesmaid Uche?

My dear Utchay,

In these weeks that we've discussed locations and dresses, and you've been very particular about finding a theme that reflects my relationship perfectly, I realize I want you for keeps.You know what love is because you know God.

My fiancé is Uche, so there must be something special about you too. I've felt it over the years, every time you have shared in my success online. And every time you have pushed forward in your career or reached out to help humanity stand tall.

What you must know is that while some friendships are by chance, my best friendships are by choice. And I choose you. You are dedicated, kind and smart. My kind of woman!

You've eluded me for so long, and although we were next door neighbors for an entire school year, we didn't maximize our friendship.

Finally, here's an excellent opportunity for us to start over again.

You already know I'm getting married and every bride needs something new for her wedding day, I would really love you to be mine.

Will you be my Bridesmaid Uche!

Please Say Yes.

#RayLivia #2017RaysofLove #McOliviasGirls #McOliviaEvents #AuthorRay #BecomingMrsRay #November2Remember

Special thanks to Studio Bok for my awesome bridesmaids proposal design. Follow on Instagram @studio_bok. They would literally bring your imagination to life with their perfect designs.

This is my personal wedding series 'Becoming Mrs Ray', a Nigerian Girl's Journey from Yes to I do'.  Please feel free to comment and give welcome suggestions. I don't bite but be polite. This series is hosted on my Event Management blog, . Subscribe. Comment. Share. Thank You!


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