Be My Bridesmaid Lucy! Let's integrate the dy/dx of my love.


I miss you. And I don't like that you're not in Lagos. Lol. I know that's an odd way to start a proposal but girl, a lot has happened that I wish you were around for.

All the while you were in the UK for your masters, I wondered who was bothering you. I mean, it was such a pleasure to bother you back in the university. You're such a sweetheart and your accommodating spirit is enormous.

I spent over two years in the Lion's den before I discovered you, or was it you who discovered me. I wonder why it took so long. You were my first real friend in the Economics department, the one person who really looked out for me there. I'm grateful that our friendship went far beyond midnight reading, discussion classes and the University of Nigeria.

I miss your noodles, o reluctant cook. And I'll surely have it again soon. And yea, there's this guy that's been asking a million questions about you. All I could tell him is how sweet and caring and charming and warm you are. Because that's what I know about you.

Miss Abeng, surely, you know how much you mean to me, even if we've been apart a few years.

Let's ignite the fires of our friendship again.

I know the perfect occasion, I'm getting married to this ah-mah-zing guy, Ray. It would be beyond cool if you were there with me, to help me integrate the dy/dx of my love.

Will you be my bridesmaid Lucy?

Please say Yes!

#RayLivia #2017RaysofLove #McOliviasGirls #McOliviaEvents #AuthorRay #BecomingMrsRay #November2Remember

Special thanks to Studio Bok for my awesome bridesmaids proposal design. Follow on Instagram @studio_bok. They would literally bring your imagination to life with their perfect designs.

This is my personal wedding series 'Becoming Mrs Ray', a Nigerian Girl's Journey from Yes to I do'.  Please feel free to comment and give welcome suggestions. I don't bite but be polite. This series is hosted on my Event Management blog, . Subscribe. Comment. Share. Thank You!


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