Be My Bridesmaid, Queen Juka. Bring All the Sunshine from The Gambia, and crown my Wedding Day.

Queen Juka,

You are royalty indeed. The first day we met, I was in a completely new country with over 100 new people from all over Africa. But in that multitude, you and I were singled out and given the honor to take the pillars upstairs for our welcome dinner at the President Barack Obama's Young African Leaders Initiative. Lol. Turned out it was an MC audition of sorts. And those pillars were so darn heavy for me but you flawlessly carried them, you and your tall self. I know that may sound like a funny memory but it's the first time I really saw you, and I was not sure what to make of the mixed emotions in my heart. Then you spoke with that sexy Gambian accent of yours, and I was definitely smitten.

I wish we had co-anchored an event together at the RLC, and I wish I had told you how much I admire you. I was super proud when I saw the pictures from the event you anchored in honor of Akon and all the wonderful work you're doing to make Gambia great. But what I wish more would be to meet you again. I have wished it from the day we parted ways. You are so simple and yet so elegant, calmly making your presence felt wherever you go. And I know there's so much the future holds for you and I.

You made me place The Gambia in my list of top 3 African countries to visit quickly. But Juka, I would love to show you my country too. Nigerians are warm people and our Jollof is really as awesome as you've heard it is. Although, like you taught us in Ghana, I quite agree that 'Wollof' originated from Sene-Gambia. But you would love our remix, I promise.

I know it's a long distance from home, but I want the warmth that you bring at my wedding. And your laughter would go really well with the music! And oh, you'll love my other bridesmaids too. And there'll be lots of good memories from the bridal shower y'all are going to throw me. LOL.

I am proud to call you my friend, Juka.

This November, it would be such a thrill to have you by my side as I say 'I do' to the finest African man I've met. Bring all the sunshine from the Smiling Coast of The Gambia to crown my wedding day.

Queen Juka, will you be my bridesmaid?

Please say Yes!

#RayLivia #2017RaysofLove #McOliviasGirls #McOliviaEvents #AuthorRay

Special thanks to Studio Bok for my awesome bridesmaids proposal design. Follow on Instagram @studio_bok. They would literally bring your imagination to life with their perfect designs.

This is my personal wedding series 'Becoming Mrs Ray, a Nigerian Girl's Journey from Yes to I do'.  Please feel free to comment and give welcome suggestions. I don't bite but be polite. This series is hosted on my Event Management blog, McOlivia Events. Subscribe. Share. Thank You!


Niyotee events said…
Bravo mami

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